Saturday, March 10, 2012

Pink Foam

Ma gandeam ieri ca nu am mai experimentat demult cu culori si ca ar fi cazul sa ma incumet din nou. Pe toata durata iernii am adoptat look-uri destul de neutre, de multe ori foloseam doar tus si rimel (pentru ca imi era lene sa ma mai machiez) si mi-am cam iesit din mana la imbinat culori. Acum ca vine primavara sincer ma simt tot mai fericita si parca simt nevoia sa ma machiez colorat! :D In fine. Iata machiajul meu de ieri...sper sa va placa si astept comentariile voastre!
Off topic: Acum cateva zile mi-am pus manutele pe revista The One si avea inauntru un catalog de la Yves Rocher. Mai tarziu, logodnicul meu a descoperit ca am castigat un set de 3 genti de voiaj pentru cosmetice. Trebuia doar sa fac o comanda de minim 25 de lei si imi trimiteau setul. Am sunat astazi sa pun comanda si mi-au spus ca voi mai primi si un rimel din partea lor. Super, nu? Cand primesc pachetul am sa ii fac un review pentru voi :D

I was thinking yesterday that I haven't experimented for a while with colors and it's high time I tried it again. All winter I've adopted neutral looks, or just used eyeliner and mascara (because I was too lazy to put on makeup) and I kind of forgot how to combine colors. So now that spring is coming, I feel more and more happy and I feel the need to put colorful makeup on. Anyway, here's the makeup I wore yesterday...hope you like it and I'm waiting for your comments on it.
Off topic: I got a few days ago The One magazine and it had inside a catalog from Yves Rocher. Later on my fiance discovered that I had won a set of 3 voyage bags to put your cosmetics in. I just have to order something from their catalog and they'll send me the bags too. I called today to place my order and I'll also be receiving a free mascara from them. Pretty cool huh? As soon as i get the package I'm going to review it for you guys!

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