Sunday, July 29, 2012

Classic Elegance Look & Tutorial

Buna seara fetelor! Mi-am facut si eu putin timp sa postez un machiaj cu tutorial. Am primit multe cereri pentru astfel de tutoriale asa ca am sa incerc de acum incolo, pentru fiecare machiaj sa fac si un tutorial. Acest look l-am purtat alaltaieri seara, la cinema, la filmul The Dark Knight :D (Batman) si vroiam ceva mai de seara, totusi elegant pentru ca l-am asortat cu o camasa alba si un medalion mai elegant, skinny jeans si balerini florali. Sper sa va placa atat machiajul cat si tutorialul. V-am pupat!

Good evening girls! I've made some time to post a tutorial makeup. I have received alot of requests for such tutorials so I'll try from now on, for every makeup I do, to also have a tutorial. I wore this look Friday night when we went to see The Dark Knight :D (Batman) and I wanted something for the evening, yet elegant because I paired it up with a white shirt and a slightly elegant pendant, skinny jeans and floral ballet flats. I hope you enjoy this makeup as well as the tutorial. Kisses!

Step #1: Primer si argintiu / Primer and shimmering silver
(Sleek PPQ- Fade to Grey)

Step # 2:  Argintiu mai inchis/ A darker silver
(Makeup Geek eyeshadow pan: Mercury)

Step # 3:  Negru/ Black
(Lime Crime Chinadoll Palette - Lotus Noir)

Step # 4: Maron sau burgundy/ Brown or burgundy
(Lime Crime Magic Dust - Dragon Scales)

Step # 5: Highlight
(Lime Crime Magic Dust - Nymph)

Step # 6:  (De la dreapta la stanga) Negru, maro, argintiu/ (From right to left) Black, brown, silver
(Lotus Noir, Dragon Scales, Fade to Grey)

Step # 7: Eyeliner si rimel/ Eyeliner and mascara
(Lime Crime Uniliner - Quill; Maybelline Collosal Vollume)

Nu imi plac de regula camesile, insa pe asta sifonata o ador :))
I don't really like shirts but I love this crinkly one

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Late Sunset Look & Tutorial

Buna fetelor! Dupa cum v-am promis, am sa postez astazi un look cu tot cu tutorial. Initial l-am facut pentru cei de la dar am zis ca merita sa-l postez si pe blog. Imi place mult cum a iesit, mai ales ca m-am inspirat din privelistea pe care am avut-o acum cateva zile cand apunea soarele in nuante de portocaliu, alb, albastru deschis, albastru inchis, mov...pur si simplu inspirational. Sper sa va placa si voua! Pupici!

Hey girls! As I promised, I'm posting today a look with a tutorial. Initially I did this look for but I decided it was worth posting on my blog. I really like how it turned out, especially because it was inspired by the view I had a few days ago when the sun was setting in nuances such as orange, white, light blue, dark blue, purple..simply inspirational.  I hope you enjoy it as well. Kisses!


1: Primer (Too Faced Shadow Insurance)

2:Orange (Makeup Geek Pan Eyeshadow- Manderine)

3: Ivory (Lime Crime Magic Dust -Nymph + Flormar- Ivory)

4: Blue (Makeup Geek- Mermaid)

5: Blend & Shape

6: Navy Blue (Manly 120 Palette)

7: Purple & Blue (Sleek Acid - Purple, Lime Crime Chinadoll- Parasol)

8: Highlight & Contour (Lime Crime Magic Dust- Nymph, Sleek PPQ- Barry White, LC - Parasol)
Sky blue line is at your choice

9: Line and Mascara ( Lime Crime Uniliner- Quill, L'Oreal Volume Million Lashes)

Lipstick: Lime Crime - My Beautiful Rocket

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Tropical Looks

Ma mir ca postez in weekend, dar iata ca o fac si pe asta. Asa, cu ocazia a 100 de followeri pe blog (si 201 pe facebook) postez astazi cateva machiaje "tropicale". Mai nou m-a apucat o manie cu machiajele colorate si aproape in fiecare zi cand pun mana pe paleta trebuie sa fac ceva colorat. Zilele astea am sa fac si un tutorial foto pas-cu-pas pentru ca am primit acces exclusiv pe makeupbee la noua lor aplicatie de tutoriale. :D Oricum, sper sa va placa aceste look-uri mega colorate. V-am pupat!

It's strange for me to post during weekends, but here it goes. So, on the occasion of 100 followers on my blog (and 201 on facebook), I'm posting today a few tropical makeups. Lately I've been having this obsession with colorful makeup. I'm going to make a step-by-step photo tutorial  these days because I've been granted exclusive access to's newest tutorial application. :D Anyhow, I hope you enjoy these mega colorful looks. Kisses!



Sweet watermelon

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Purple Touch look + Photo Guide

Hello fetelor! Eu momentan sunt in proces de curatenie generala asa ca nu am prea avut timp sa fac machiaje prea elaborate :)) totusi, va postez un look ceva mai cuminte, realizat in intregime cu paleta Original de la Sleek. Sper sa va placa si sa va ajute ghidul foto. V-am pupat si sa aveti o saptamana frumoasa! :*

Hello girls! I'm currently in the process of summer house cleaning :)) so I haven't had much time to do any elaborate makeup :)) yet, I'm posting a more soft look, made all with the Sleek Original palette. I hope you like it and I hope you like the photo guide. Kisses and have a nice week! :*

Friday, July 6, 2012

Crazy Colorful Summer Makeup

Salutare fetelor! Dupa o absenta de vreo saptamana ajung si eu sa postez azi doua dintre machiajele mele preferate de vara. E atat de frumos (desi mult prea cald) afara incat n-am cum sa nu fac un machiaj colorat si vesel. Sper sa va placa machiajele pe care le-am realizat. Aveti de asemena o lista cu produsele folosite la fiecare machiaj. Pupici!

Hey girls! After a one week absence I finally get to post today two of my favorite summer makeups. It's so beautiful outside (though too hot) that I can't do something else than a colorful and cheerful makeup. I hope you like my latest works! You also have below a list of the products I used for every makeup. Kisses!

Summer Twist

Produse folosite/ Products used:
Fata (Face):  Maybelline Affinitone, E.l.f. HD Powder
Ochi (Eyes): Sleek Acid Palette (Neon Yellow, Neon Pink, Neon Orange, Neon Green, Purple, Black); Lime Crime Uniliner (Quill), Lime Crime Magic Dust (Top Hattie); L'Oreal Million de Cils Mascara
Obraji (Cheeks): E.l.f. blush (Flushed)
Buze (Lips): MAC Lipstick (Pink Plaid) 


Produse folosite/ Products used:
Fata (Face):  Miss Sporty So Clear
Ochi (Eyes): Lime Crime Chinadoll Palette (Goldfish, Fly Dragon Fly, Parasol), E.l.f. Beauty Encyclopedia Basic Eye (White); Flormar Quad Palette, Manly 120 Palette, Lime Crime Magic Dust (Twilight- wet brush); Lime Crime Uniliner (Quill, Citreuse); Maybelline Collosal Volume
Obraji (Cheeks): Giordani Gold Bronzing Pearls