Friday, August 31, 2012

Favorite products & Birthday wishlist

Inainte sa incep am sa fac un mic anunt: Avand in vedere ca majoritatea celor care imi citesc blogul sunt din strainatate m-am decis sa postez de acum doar in engleza. Sper ca cititoarele din Romania sa inteleaga. E mai usor asa :) si mai putin scris la postare :)) Asa ca incepand cu acest post, va fi totul in engleza.

Hello luvies! Today's post is going to be about my favorite products over the past few months and my upcoming birthday wishlist. It was really hard to sum up just to a few products since I'm in love with so many cosmetic and beauty goodies.
Here's a top of my absolute favs:

NYX Eyeshadow Base (Skin tone)

I love this alot. It does a really great job with prepping the eye lid and keeps the color on. Really glad I ordered it.

Rimmel London Silky Loose Powder

This is one of my absolute fav powders. It makes the skin so matte and soft and even if I put a little extra foundation on by mistake it makes everything look natural. Absolute <3 nbsp="nbsp" p="p">

Rimmel London Scandaleyes Mascara (Extreme Black)

I actually bought this just last week but i'm really in love with it. My mom actually laughed at the enormous brush but I like that in a mascara. I'm always having trouble with my lashes since they're virtually invisible :))

Dove Purely Pampering (Shea Butter and Warm Vanilla)

I am a declared cosmetic junkie....really. And I'm also a body lotion and shower gel junkie because having 1000 sorts of them wouldn't be enough for me. During college, when I lived in another town, apartment mate and I used to have like 10-15 bottles of shower gel in the bathroom. :)) But out of all, this is my all-time favorite! It's....divine! You need to try it!

On Line Liquid Soap (Milk & Honey) 

I couldn't find an image of that specific aroma, but the point is I love this soap. I've been buying this for 5 months now and it's amazing. And I mean amazing for makeup removal! I forgot all about expensive lotions for removing my makeup...ever since I have this soap, I've been washing my face every night before bed with this and besides removing 100% of your makeup in no time, it also leaves you face really smooth and silky!

Well, that was it for favorites, let's get on to my wishlist. As you may or more accurately may not know my birthday is coming soon (September 15th) and I'm turning 22! :)) haha, old yeahh. Sooo, I decided to help my fiance and mom get me a gift (because the last 2 weeks before my b-day everyone starts asking the same question every day "What do you want for your b-day?") and I made a list of things I want which I will also share with you in the idea that you will get to know me a little better.

My B-day Wishlist

- Shoes (actually autumn boots...cause I'm a crazy shoe addict)
- A bag
- Lime Crime Nail Polishes 
- Another kitty
- A brush belt
- A pretty dress
- Shoes shoes shoes
- Cosmetics
- A bracelet
- A skinny waist belt
- A puzzle of Daenerys Targaryan (GOT fan!!)
- A nice wedding (haha joking)
- A smile and a kiss from my fiance
- To get to know all my followers and the staff from Lime Crime
- Lana Del Rey

:)) Hope you guys liked this post and good luck for those who entered the giveaway on my facebook page.
Also don't forget to vote for my Zodiac Inspired look on
Lots of Love!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

My new passion

Salutare frumoaselor! Revin azi cu o postare mai inedita, si anume, sa va arat noua mea pasiune. Totul a inceput acum 1 saptamana si uitam pe makeupbee la Katie Alves si la Yumemi Sakai si nu puteam sa ma minunez de cat de superbe erau machiajele lor cu imagini. Si asa, am stat si m-am gandit ca de ce nu pot? Pot si eu! Si uite asa, avand la dispozitie o poza superba de la logodnicul meu am atentat si eu la acest stil de machiaj. Acuma sincer nu stiu cum se numeste acest stil de machiaj dar eu ii spun "Landscape makeup" pentru ca ma inspir din poze cu anumite scenarii. Sper sa va placa si voua ce am realizat pana acum si daca aveti intrebari sau sugestii va astept cu un comenatriu. V-am pupat!

Hello gorgeous girls! I'm posting today something different, more precisely, showing you my newest passion. It all started about a week and something ago..I was checking out Katie Alves and Yumemi Sakai on makeupbee and I couldn't stop wondering how gorgeous their photo inspired makeups were. So, I sat and thought that hey...why can't I do it? I can! And so, with a gorgeous picture I got from my fiance I attempted to do this type of makeup. Honestly I don't know what this style is called like but I call it "Landscape Makeup" because I get inspired by beautiful landscapes and scenery. I hope you like what I did up till now and if you have any questions or suggestions feel free to comment. Kisses.

PS: Special thanks to Lime Crime for helping me achieve this and for believing in me!

Over the mountains

Across The Sea

Magical Cherry Blossom

Aaand I'm loving my hair color :))

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Lime Crime Giveaway!

Salutare fetelor! Cu ocazia a 500 de like-uri pe pagina mea de facebook, am organizat un giveaway sponsorizat de carte Lime Crime bineinteles :D Premiile momentan vor fi un secret dar va asigur ca sunt superbe! Giveaway-ul este deschis pana in 1 septembrie cand voi si alege o castigatoare cu Aveti instructiuni cu ce trebuie sa faceti aici: Giveaway

Hello girls! On the ocasion of my page reaching 500 likes, I've organised a giveaway sponsored by Lime Crime of course :D The prizes are a secret for now but I assure you they are gorgeous! The giveaway is open until September 1st when I will also choose a winner with You have the instructions here: Giveaway
Good Luck!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Eyebrow photo tutorial

Buna seara frumoaselor! :D Dupa muuulteee intrebari si cereri (mai ales din strainatate) m-am decis sa va arat cum imi fac eu sprancenele si cum le puteti contura si voi. Acum..un lucru trebuie sa stiti despre sprancene, defapt mai multe...Sprancenele trebuiesc mereu sa fie pensate, tunse si aranjate pentru ca, credeti-ma, niste sprancene bine puse la punct schimba intreaga fata si tinuta. Eu trebuie sa imi fac sprancenele zilnic din trei motive: 1. Pentru ca ale mele sunt blonde si subtiri si nu am incredere in nimeni sa mi le tatueze; 2. Pentru ca de cand m-am vopsit castaniu-roscat ar arata ciudat sa am sprancene blonde; 3. Pentru ca exista o diferenta enorma intre un machiaj cu sprancenele aranjate si unul cu sprancene neglijate.
Sfat pentru voi! Daca aveti sprancene cu forma frumoasa, nu are rost sa va apucati sa le vopsiti sau sa le faceti cum le fac eu. Ingrijiti-le, pensati-le, tundeti-le mereu si sunt perfecte exact asa.

Good evening gorgeous! :D After aloooot of questions and requests (especially from abroad) I've decided to show you how I do my eyebrows and how you can do them too. Now, there is one thing you should know about eyebrows...actually alot of things...The eyebrows always need to be plucked, trimmed and brushed because, trust me, a pair of well taken care of brows change your entire apparel. I have to do my brows every day out of three reasons: 1. Because mine are blonde and thin and I don't trust anyone to tattoo them; 2. Because ever since I dyed my hair a dark auburn color it looks weird with blonde brows; 3. There is a huge difference between a make-up with fancy eyebrows and one with neglected ones.
Word of advice! If you have nicely shaped brows, there's no point in dying them or do what I do. Just take care of them, pluck them, trim them and they're perfect just like that.

Aveti nevoie de/ You need
- O pensula dubla pentru sprancene (un capat cu perie si unul cu pensula unghiulara)/ A double eyebrow brush (one end with a comb and one end with an angled brush)
- O pensula mica pentru concealer si concealer/ A small concealer brush and concealer
- Fard/ Eyeshadow (Eu folosesc/I use Sleek "Au Naturel")


1.Periati sprancenele/ Brush your brows

2. Cu pensula unghiulara si fardul dorit incepeti sa trasati conturul incepand din coltul interior
With the angled brush and wanted eyeshadow start tracig the contour starting from the inner corner

3. Continuati conturul pana la capatul sprancenelor
Continue tracing until your eyebrows end

4. Ajustati arcada urmarind linia naturala a sprancenelor
Adjust your arch following the natural line of your brows

5. Completati conturul sprancenelor si in partea de sus a lor
Complete the trace of your brows in their upper part too

6. Umpleti golul ramas cu fard si daca mai e nevoie intensificati culoarea adaugand mai mult fard
Fill in the empty space remaining and if necessary intensify the color by adding more eyeshadow

Luati apoi o pensula pentru concealer si putin concealer
Take concealer brush and some concealer

7.Corectati excesul de fard sau liniile gresite si dati sprancenelor forma dorita (aveti grija sa amestecati concealerul de pe margini astfel incat sa se piarda in fondul de ten)
Correct the excess of eyeshadow or uneven liner and shape your brows as you please (make sure you blend the concealer on the edges so that it fades into the foundation)

Sprancenele voastre sunt gata!
Your brows are now done!

Sper ca v-a placut si astept comentariile voastre!
I hope you enjoyed this and I'm waiting for your comments!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Fantasy make-up and catching up

Salutare! M-a lovit un val de lene, asa ca de vacanta. Partea buna e ca desi in timpul saptamanii lenevesc, macar am de lucru in weekenduri...bine ca-i sezon de nunti. :)) Chiar ma gandeam ca n-am mai facut demult nici un machiaj gen fantasy si imi era dor. asa ca m-am pus pe treaba si am realizat 2 machiaje in acest stil. Primul e intr-adevar mai fantasy, al doilea, daca scoti buzele sclipicioase si sclipiciul de pe fata, il poti chiar purta pe strada.
Am sa va postez si pozele cu machiajele dar si cateva poze cu micuta mea colectie de farduri. Si spun micuta pentru ca mie sincer nu-mi ajunge...vreau mai multe.
Cat despre noutati, am uitat sa va zic ca am avut o prezentare de moda in 2 august. Alina Ceusan a tinut neaparat ca fetele sa fie toate machiate lafel, cu negru (si am suferit cumplit ptr treaba asta) asa ca m-am conformat si mi-am rupt spatele pe 15 modele :)) Macar prezentarea a iesit super..puteti vedea cateva poze aici: Fashion Show
Siiiii....m-am inscris intamplator pe la un concurs de machiaje sponsorizat de Anastasia Beverly Hills (Anastasia Soare) si am intrat in top 10. Din aceste 10 machiaje sponsorii aleg 3 castigatoare asa ca stau cu sufletul la gura si astept un rezultat.
Acum, pozele...V-am pupat si astept comentariile voastre!

Hey girls! A lazy wave hit me since the vacation started. The good part is that i get to work in weekends...good thing it's wedding season :)) I was really thinking that I haven't done any fantasy make-up in a while and I kinda missed it, so I got busy and came up with two suck makeups. The first one is indeed more fantasy like but the second one is quite wearable if you take out the glitter.
I will post some pictures of the looks and also a few photos of my tiny cosmetics collection. And I say tiny because they're really not enough for me...I need more :))
As for catching up, I forgot to tell you about a fashion show I attended in August 2nd. The coordonator insisted on the models having the same makeup, black cat-eye (to my dis-contempt) so I broke my back on 15 models :)) At least the presentation was awesome! You can see some pictures here: Fashion Show
Aaaand, I entered a makeup competition on which is sponsored by Anastasia Beverly Hills and made it in top 10. The sponsors will now choose 3 winning looks so I'm anxious about the results.
And now photos... Kisses and I'm waiting for your comments!

Rainbow Magic


Bonus: My tattoo :D

Friday, August 3, 2012

Lime Crime "Aquataenia" Palette Review & Looks

Salutare dragele mele! Mare mi-a fost surprinderea cand ma suna mama dimineata si ma intreaba "Ti-a trimis iar Lime Crime pachet?"...Mirata, zic ca nu, adica cel putin mie nu mi-a scris Cassie ca imi trimite ceva, ca de obicei ma anunta inainte. "Da ai aici doua notificari de la posta ca ti-a venit un colet din SUA". Nu puteam sa imi dau seama de unde pachet din SUA, ca doar nu-mi comandasem nimic si nici nu am primit vreun mail cum ca imi trimit ei ceva...Ei bine, a doua zi ma duc la posta sa-mi scot pachetul....pam la Lime Crime bineinteles. N-am mai avut rabdare pana acasa asa ca am deschis pachetul in parcul de langa posta (defapt acolo mi-am deschis toate coletele). Au fost foarte draguti sa imi trimita noua lor paleta (lansata la IMATS) "Aquataenia".
Review: Cutiuta este exact ca la cealalta paleta, cu culorile si denumirile pe spate. Cat despre culori, imi place foarte mult faptul ca sunt toate sunt sidefate si mai ales pigmentate. Mie imi par asa mai pastelate cumva...imi place foarte mult. Rezista mult pe ochi si sunt foarte usor de folosit. Nu am nici o nemultumire. :D
Aveti mai jos cateva poze, swatchuri si doua machiaje.

Hello darlings! I was surprised to wake up in the morning and have my mom call me and ask "Did Lime Crime send you a package again?" . I said, no, or at least Cassie hasn't written me anything to let me know that they're sending me something, and she usually does. "But you have two postal notifications on a package from the USA". I couldn't figure out how because I hadn't ordered anything and I certainly didn't get an e-mail letting me know that I should be expecting  a package.Well, I went the next day at the postal office and it was of course from Lime Crime. I couldn't wait so I opened the package in the park next to the postal office (where I actually always open my packages). They were sweet enough to send me the new palette (launched at IMATS) "Aquataenia".

Review: The box is exactly like the other one (Chinadoll), with the colors and names on the back. As for the colors, I really like that they're shimmering and most of all pigmented. I find them somewhat pastel-like.....and i'm really loving that. The colors are so soft and wearable, and resistant. I have no complaint! :D
Below you have a few pictures, swatches and two looks. 

Look 1

Look 2