Wednesday, August 29, 2012

My new passion

Salutare frumoaselor! Revin azi cu o postare mai inedita, si anume, sa va arat noua mea pasiune. Totul a inceput acum 1 saptamana si uitam pe makeupbee la Katie Alves si la Yumemi Sakai si nu puteam sa ma minunez de cat de superbe erau machiajele lor cu imagini. Si asa, am stat si m-am gandit ca de ce nu pot? Pot si eu! Si uite asa, avand la dispozitie o poza superba de la logodnicul meu am atentat si eu la acest stil de machiaj. Acuma sincer nu stiu cum se numeste acest stil de machiaj dar eu ii spun "Landscape makeup" pentru ca ma inspir din poze cu anumite scenarii. Sper sa va placa si voua ce am realizat pana acum si daca aveti intrebari sau sugestii va astept cu un comenatriu. V-am pupat!

Hello gorgeous girls! I'm posting today something different, more precisely, showing you my newest passion. It all started about a week and something ago..I was checking out Katie Alves and Yumemi Sakai on makeupbee and I couldn't stop wondering how gorgeous their photo inspired makeups were. So, I sat and thought that hey...why can't I do it? I can! And so, with a gorgeous picture I got from my fiance I attempted to do this type of makeup. Honestly I don't know what this style is called like but I call it "Landscape Makeup" because I get inspired by beautiful landscapes and scenery. I hope you like what I did up till now and if you have any questions or suggestions feel free to comment. Kisses.

PS: Special thanks to Lime Crime for helping me achieve this and for believing in me!

Over the mountains

Across The Sea

Magical Cherry Blossom

Aaand I'm loving my hair color :))

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