Friday, March 23, 2012

Heart On Fire Picture Guide

Salutare frumoaselor! Scuze de intarzierea majora, m-am luat ieri cu alte treburi si am uitat sa mai postez. Ma revansez astazi cu un machiaj si cu un ghid foto pentru a obtine acest look. E un look putin mai intens, de preferabil purtat seara (desi sincer eu nu prea tin cont de machiaj de zi/seara :)) ma machiez cum vreau) si se potriveste cu orice culoare de ochi. Sper sa va placa si stati pe aproape, dupa cum v-am promis am sa postez maine un review pentru produsele primite de la Yves Rocher!

Hello gorgeous girls! Sorry for the major lateness, I got busy yesterday with other things and i forgot to post. I'm making it up with a make-up and a photo guide of how to get this look. It's a bit more intense, preferably worn at night (although I don't really care for day/evening makeup...i just put on makeup how i want to) and it goes with any kind of eye color. I hope you like it and stay close, as I promised, I'll be posting tomorrow a review on the products i received from Yves Rocher!

Produse de care aveti nevoie pentru acest machiaj (ma refer strict la machiajul ochilor)
Products you need for this makeup (meaning strictly to eye makeup)

Primer (la alegerea voastra/at your choice)
Manly 120 Palette
Sleek Au Naturel Palette

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