Thursday, March 29, 2012

Review Yves Rocher + Mascara and Eyliner Trick

V-am tot promis un review la produsele pe care le-am primit de la Yves Rocher asa ca ma tin de cuvant si trec la treaba. Am primit coletul saptamana trecuta si am fost foarte placut surprinsa sa vad ca pe langa ce mi-am comandat am primit o gramada de cadouri. Iata ce am comandat si cadourile primite:

I did promise you a review on the products i received from Yves Rocher so I'm keeping my word and getting down to business. I got the package last week and I was very nicely surprised to see that besides what i had ordered, I received a lot of presents. This is what i ordered and the gifts they sent:


Sunt super multumita de acest gel! Are un miros foarte placut iar particulele exfoliante sunt blande si nu zgarie pielea. E perfect pentru o exfoliere zilnica.  In fiecare seara dupa ce ma demachiez ma spal cu gelul dezincrustant si sincer in 3 zile deja am vazut diferenta. Tenul mi-e mult mai fin iar acele "zgrabunte" de pe frunte s-au diminuat considerabil. Oricum nu pot spune ca am avut vreodata probleme cu tenul insa o ingrijire zilnica nu strica. E mai bine sa previi decat sa tratezi!

I'm very pleased with this gel! It's got a nice smell and the exfoliating particles are gentle and don't scratch the skin. It's perfect for a daily exfoliation. Every night after I take my makeup off I wash my face with this gel  and honestly after 3 days I saw the difference. My skin is much smoother and those little "scrunches" on my forehead have diminished considerably. Anyway, I can't say I've ever had skin issues but a daily skin care doesn't harm. It's better to prevent than to cure!


Nu am prea multe ce spune despre acest gel decat ca isi face treaba asa cum spune! Dezinfecteaza mainile, le lasa fine, curate si parfumate. Pentru mine gelul de maini e un must-have!

There's not much I can say about this gel other than it does it's job as it says! It cleans the hands, leaves them smooth, clean and perfumed. For me, the hand gel is a must-have! 


Acest rimel l-am primit cadou pentru comanda rapida (prin telefon) si nu pot sa spun decat ca imi place la nebunie! Peria e perfecta pentru mine deoarece am gene subtiri si blonde, iar textura si formula rimelului imi alungeste genele, le defineste si le separa frumos fara sa le incarce. Il recomand!

I received this mascara for free for a quick order (by phone) and all I can say is that I love it! The brush is perfect for me as I have thin, blonde lashes, and the texture and the formula makes my lashes longer, defines them and separates them without heavy coating them. I recommend it!


 Nu am primit chiar o crema asa mare ca cea din imagine. Am primit doar mostra de care sunt multumita si chiar ma gandesc sa imi comand pe viitor o crema mare. Nu pot spune daca atenueaza ridurile pentru ca e prematur sa ma gandesc la asa ceva la 21 de ani :)) Insa pot spune ca hidrateaza suuuuper bine crema! Love it!

I didn't receive the cream as big as the one in the picture. I just got a sample of which I am pleased and I'm thinking of recommending a big one in the near future. I can't say if it smooths the wrinkles as it is premature for me to think of such things at the age of 21 :)) But I can say that it hydrates the skin suuuuper well! Love it!

Si acum sa va spun un truc pe care l-am invatat de la mama recent! Daca aveti un rimel sau un tus de ochi care va place mult si e pe cale sa se usuce si trebuie sa-l aruncati, aflati ca puteti sa prelungiti viata acestor cosmetice cu un simplu produs foarte ieftin.....Ser fiziologic! Va puteti procura de la farmacie o fiola de ser din care sa picurati 2-3 stropi in rimel si in tus. Lasati vreo ora sa se inmoaie si gata! Le puteti folosi mai departe!

And now a trick I learned from my mom recently! If you have a mascara or an eyeliner that you really like and it's dried up and you have to throw it away, know that you can prolong the life of these cosmetics with just a simple and cheap product.... physiological saline solution ! You can buy it at your local pharmacy and put just 2-3 drops in your mascara or eyeliner. Leave it soak up for about an hour and ready! You can use them longer!

Sper ca v-a placut articolul si astept parerile voastre! Va doresc un weekend placut!

I hope you enjoyed the article and I'm waiting for your comments! I wish you a wonderful weekend!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Orchid Inspired

M-am tot gandit ce machiaj sa fac astazi dar sa fie si inspirat din vreo poza si mi-am amintit de frumoasele orhidei! E un machiaj purtabil, vesel si se potriveste oricarei culori de ochi. Am vrut sa va fac si un tutorial pe pasi pentru ca si voi sa puteti realiza acest look....din pacate din cauza luminii nu prea bune nu am putut sa fac poza la toate etapele asa ca o parte din ele le-am facut pentru voi in photoshop ca sa puteti intelege ordinea. Sper sa va placa acest look! Astept comentariile voastre.

I kept thinking about what makeup to do today that is also inspired from some picture and then i remember the beautiful orchids! It's a wearable makeup, cheerful and appropriate for any kind of eye color. I wanted to do a step-by-step tutorial for you so that you can also try this look....sadly the light was not so good so I couldn't take shots of every step sooo I had to make the rest of them in photoshop so that you can understand the order. I hope you like this look! I'm waiting for your comments.

Aici sunt pasii/ Here are the steps (Nu voi pune lista cu produse pentru ca nu toata lumea are aceleasi farduri/ I'm not going to post a product list because not everyone has the same eyeshadows

Finished Look

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Video Tutorial Poll

Dupa cum am spus si pe facebook, as vrea sa imi spuneti pentru care din urmatoarele machiaje vreti un tutorial video. Aveti de ales intre urmatoarele:
As I have said on facebook, I'd like you to tell me for which one of the following looks you would like to see a video tutorial on. You can choose between:

Heart on Fire
Exotic Spring
Romanian Spirit
Pink Foam
Fresh cut Pinks
Into the Light

Friday, March 23, 2012

Heart On Fire Picture Guide

Salutare frumoaselor! Scuze de intarzierea majora, m-am luat ieri cu alte treburi si am uitat sa mai postez. Ma revansez astazi cu un machiaj si cu un ghid foto pentru a obtine acest look. E un look putin mai intens, de preferabil purtat seara (desi sincer eu nu prea tin cont de machiaj de zi/seara :)) ma machiez cum vreau) si se potriveste cu orice culoare de ochi. Sper sa va placa si stati pe aproape, dupa cum v-am promis am sa postez maine un review pentru produsele primite de la Yves Rocher!

Hello gorgeous girls! Sorry for the major lateness, I got busy yesterday with other things and i forgot to post. I'm making it up with a make-up and a photo guide of how to get this look. It's a bit more intense, preferably worn at night (although I don't really care for day/evening makeup...i just put on makeup how i want to) and it goes with any kind of eye color. I hope you like it and stay close, as I promised, I'll be posting tomorrow a review on the products i received from Yves Rocher!

Produse de care aveti nevoie pentru acest machiaj (ma refer strict la machiajul ochilor)
Products you need for this makeup (meaning strictly to eye makeup)

Primer (la alegerea voastra/at your choice)
Manly 120 Palette
Sleek Au Naturel Palette

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Simple Smokey Eyes Video Tutorial

Deci dupa o indelunga asteptare si multe fire de par smulse pana sa se incarce videoclipul ajung si eu sa-l postez pe blog. Va anunt de la inceput ca ii plin de greseli :)) eram foarte entuziasmata pe langa asta imi pare rau de zgomotul de pe fundal, nu am reusit sa il scot nicicum, totusi  sper ca va ajuta si sper ca veti intelege pasii.

Astept comentariile voastre si de asemenea astept sa imi spuneti pentru care din lookurile de pana acuma ati vrea sa vedeti un tutorial video.

So after a long wait and alot of torn hair until the video uploaded i`m finally posting it on my blog. I`m telling you by now that it has alot of mistakes in it :)) i was verry nervous besides this i`m really sorry for backround noise i couldn`t get it out, anyway i hope this helps and that you understand the steps.

I`m waiting for your comments and also to tell me for which of my previous looks you would like to see a video tutorial.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Coming up...

Salutare! Dupa cum am promis voi posta primul meu tutorial video. In momentul de fata il procesez si-l pregatesc pentru postare insa imi va lua ceva timp. Sper ca pana pe seara sa fie postat pe blog si sa-l vizionati! V-am pupat si stati pe-aproape pentru tutorialul "Simple Smokey Eyes"

Hello! As I promised, I'll be posting my very first video tutorial today. As I type, I'm processing the video and prepping it for posting but it's going to take me some time. I hope that by tonight I'll be able to post it on my blog so you can see it. Kisses and stay tuned for my "Simple Smokey Eyes" tutorial.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Exotic Spring

Iarasi postez un look de primavara dar nu am ce-i face...imi plac atat de mult! Adica imi place mai mult faptul ca e caldut si frumos afara si n-ai cum sa nu vrei sa fii cat mai colorat acuma. Planuiam initial sa postez altceva insa voi pune prima data look-ul acesta iar dupa weekend ( de obicei nu prea postez in weekenduri ) voi pune primul meu tutorial (in care va anunt de pe acum ca voi vorbi in engleza pentru cititoarele din strainatate) in care va voi invata cum sa obtineti un smokey eyes superb cu o singura pensula mica si cu o paleta de culori. Pana atunci sper sa va placa look-ul "exotic" de primavara; lista cu produsele folosite o aveti mai jos. Pupici si astept comentariile voastre!

I'm posting a spring look again but I can't help it...i love it so much! I mean, I love the fact that it's warm outside and nice and you just can't avoid being colorful now! I was planning to post something else but I'll be posting this look first and after the weekend (I usually don't blog in weekends) I'll post my first tutorial (in which I'm telling you by now, I'm gonna do the talking in english for my readers from abroad) in which I will teach you how to get a gorgeous smokey eyes look  with just one brush and one palette. Until then I hope you like the "exotic" spring look; the list with the products i used are below. Kisses and waiting for your comments!

Produse folosite/Products used

Fata/Face: Maybelline Affinitone (Rose Beige)
Blush: E.l.f. Blush (Flushed)
Farduri de pleoape/Eyeshadows: Manly 120 Palette, Sleek Acid Palette, Sleek Au Naturel Palette
Ruj/Lipstick: Flormar (No.317)
Tus/Liner: Sephora Liquid Eyliner

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Romanian Spirit

Hello hello fetelor! Logodnicul meu ma tot bate la cap de ceva vreme sa fac un make-up romanesc...adica inspirat din culorile steagului cum astazi nu am avut cursuri la facultate m-am decis sa incerc look-ul. Mi-a placut foarte mult cum a iesit pana la urma desi la inceput nu aveam idee cum sa amplasez culorile pe pleoapa. Sper sa va placa si voua si astept comentariile voastre!

Hello hello girls! My fiance kept nagging me for a while to make a romanian in inspired from the colors of our flag...and considering that today I didn't have classes at college I decided to try out the look. I really loved how it came out  though I had no idea at first how to place the colors on the eyelid. I hope you like it too and I'm waiting for your comments on it!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Pink Foam

Ma gandeam ieri ca nu am mai experimentat demult cu culori si ca ar fi cazul sa ma incumet din nou. Pe toata durata iernii am adoptat look-uri destul de neutre, de multe ori foloseam doar tus si rimel (pentru ca imi era lene sa ma mai machiez) si mi-am cam iesit din mana la imbinat culori. Acum ca vine primavara sincer ma simt tot mai fericita si parca simt nevoia sa ma machiez colorat! :D In fine. Iata machiajul meu de ieri...sper sa va placa si astept comentariile voastre!
Off topic: Acum cateva zile mi-am pus manutele pe revista The One si avea inauntru un catalog de la Yves Rocher. Mai tarziu, logodnicul meu a descoperit ca am castigat un set de 3 genti de voiaj pentru cosmetice. Trebuia doar sa fac o comanda de minim 25 de lei si imi trimiteau setul. Am sunat astazi sa pun comanda si mi-au spus ca voi mai primi si un rimel din partea lor. Super, nu? Cand primesc pachetul am sa ii fac un review pentru voi :D

I was thinking yesterday that I haven't experimented for a while with colors and it's high time I tried it again. All winter I've adopted neutral looks, or just used eyeliner and mascara (because I was too lazy to put on makeup) and I kind of forgot how to combine colors. So now that spring is coming, I feel more and more happy and I feel the need to put colorful makeup on. Anyway, here's the makeup I wore yesterday...hope you like it and I'm waiting for your comments on it.
Off topic: I got a few days ago The One magazine and it had inside a catalog from Yves Rocher. Later on my fiance discovered that I had won a set of 3 voyage bags to put your cosmetics in. I just have to order something from their catalog and they'll send me the bags too. I called today to place my order and I'll also be receiving a free mascara from them. Pretty cool huh? As soon as i get the package I'm going to review it for you guys!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Spring Time Guide

Nu am mai apucat ieri sa va postez ghidul pentru a obtine look-ul Spring Time  asa ca il voi posta acum. Initial pentru culoarea 1 am folosit fardul mini de la Sephora, Las Vegas Princess ( e cel micut care se poate adauga la chei si are o oglinda mica) insa nu am avut poza pentru fard si am gasit o alternativa 90% identica (mai putin particulele de sclipici insa e tot aceeasi nuanta de ivory) de la Flormar. Restul produselor le aveti majoritatea si sunt accesibile. Adevarul e ca nu toata lumea isi permite cosmetice scumpe (dintre care multe nici nu sunt asa pigmentate si va zic din experienta proprie cu farduri de la MAC), de aceea si eu folosesc produse cosmetice accesibile pentru toata lumea. V-am pupat si va doresc o zi frumoasa tuturor!!

I didn't get a chance yesterday to post the guide for Spring Time so I'll post it now. Initially, for color 1 I used the mini eyeshadow from Sephora, Las Vegas Princess (it's the small one you can attach to your key chain and it has a small mirror) but I had no picture for the eyeshadow  so I found an alternative 90% identical (except for the glitter particles but it's the same ivory shade) from Flormar. I assume you have the rest of the products as they are accessible. The truth is that not everyone can afford expensive cosmetics (alot of which are not even that pigmented or good...and I'm telling you this from my own experience with MAC eyeshadows), that's why I use accessible cosmetics for everybody. Kisses and I wish you a beautiful day!