Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Dark Woods

Salutare fetelor! Imi cer scuze ca scriu mai rar acum, dar sunt in sesiune si nu prea am timp de machiaje si blog...sunt nevoita sa merg pe "keepin' it simple" :)) adica eyeliner si rimel aproape zilnic. In fine. Asta l-am realizat ieri pentru ca am avut timp si vroiam ceva mai special putin pentru ca logodnicul meu m-a invitat sa luam masa in oras (in sfarsit avem si noi vreme de asa ceva). Sper sa va placa, am sa postez maine si un ghid foto si culorile pe care le-am folosit pentru acest look. Astazi am timp doar sa postez pozele.
Inainte de toate va rog pe toate care puteti sa dati un like la poza cu care particip in concursul Lime Crime: aveti aici linkul ---- Lime Crime Snow White and the Huntsman

Hey girls! Sorry for not posting so often now but I'm in the middle of examination period and I rarely have time for make-up and blogging....I'm obliged to keep it simple nowadays with just eyeliner and mascara almost every day. Anyways...I did this look yesterday because my fiance asked me to go eat out and I wanted something special. (we finally found time to eat out). I hope you enjoy it and I'm going to post tomorrow a photo guide along with the colors I used for this look. I only have time now to post the photos.
Before I post, please help me with some likes on the photo I'm participating with in the Lime Crime contest: here's the link ----- Lime Crime Snow White and the Huntsman

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