Buna fetelor! Astazi nu voi posta nimic legat de makeup ci va surprind cu un post total diferit! :D Nu aveti de unde sa stiti, dar asa ca si personal info, pe langa machiaj, imi place foaaarte mult sa gatesc. Cred ca il mostenesc pe tata :)) Va voi posta astazi cateva retete mai light pentru slabit si foarte gustoase!
Hello girls! Today I'm not going to post anything about makeup because I'm going to surprise you with a totally different post! :D You couldn't have known this, but as a personal info, besides makeup, I reaaaally love cooking. I think I take after my dad :)) I'll be posting today some light recipesfor losing weight which are also very tasty!

1. Clatite cu pepene galben si zmeura / Pancakes with melon and raspberry
Reteta asta am gasit-o intamplator intr-o revista si mi-a lasat gura apa. Face parte dintr-o dieta de 5 zile cu pepene galben care zica-se, te ajuta sa slabesti prin crearea senzatiei de satietate.
I found this recipe by accident in a magazine and it left my mouth drooling. It's part of a 5 day melon diet, which is said to help you lose weight by giving you the sensation that you're full.
Va trebuie/
You need:

200 gr faina (flour)
2 linguri zahar (tablespoons of sugar)
200 gr branza de vaci slaba (light cottage cheese)
200 ml lapte (milk)
3 oua (eggs)
jumatate de pepene galben (half of melon)
100 gr zmeura (raspberries)
2 linguri zahar pudra (tablespoons of powder sugar)
Cum se face/
How it's done: Se amesteca faina cu zaharul, branza, laptele, 250 ml apa, sarea si galbenusurile. Se adauga albusurile batute spuma si se prepara 4 clatite. (Adica compozitia se ia cu un polonic si se toarna in tigaia incinsa si se lasa pana se rumeneste putin apoi se intoarce pe cealalta parte cu o spatula si se lasa iar la rumenit). Se umplu cu pepene gablen si zmeura iar apoi se pudreaza cu zahar.
You mix the flour, cottage cheese, milk, 250 ml water, salt and egg yolks. You add the egg whites after you've beaten them to a solid foam and you prepare 4 pancakes (Meaning, you take some composition with a skimmer and pour the amount in a heated non-stick frying pan and leave it till it's slightly brown, flip it over with a spatula and let it brown on the other side). You then fill it with melon and raspberries and powder it with sugar.

2. File de cod sau somon cu cartofi natur si sos de maioneza light cu lamaie si piper alb/
Cod or salmon file with boiled potatoes and light mayo sauce with lemon and white pepper.
Reteta asta o stiu de la mama si o mananc atunci cand vreau ceva light ptr silueta./
I know this recipe from my mother and I eat it every time I want something light for my figure.
Va trebuie/ You need:
3 fileuri de somon sau cod (file cod or salmon)
2 cartofi curatati si taiati cubulete (potatoes peeled and cut into little cubes)
sare sau vegeta (salt or vegetable powder)
Pentru sos/ For the sauce: (Atentie! Pentru acest sos aveti nevoie de blender!! You need a blender for this!!)
50 ml lapte (milk)
1 lingurita mustar (teaspoon mustard)
100/150 ml ulei (regular sunflower oil)
3 linguri smantana (tablespoons of sour cream)
jumatate de lamaie (half a lemon)
piper alb (white pepper)
Cum se face/
How it's done:
Se pun intr-o oala cartofii la fiert cu putina sare. In alta oala se pun fileurile la fiert cu vegeta dupa gust. Dupa ce s-au fiert, se scot cartofii cu o sita si se aseaza pe farfurie si se asezoneaza cu vegeta iar langa se aseaza fileurile de peste.
Intr-un pahar de blender turnati 50 ml lapte, puneti o lingurita de mustar dulce si 100 sau 150 ml de ulei (daca e prea subtire la inceput mai turnati ulei pana se ingroasa compozitia) si sare. Bagati blenderul pana la fundul paharului si porniti-l pe cea mai mare viteza. Incet incepeti sa ridicati blenderul pana sus iar apoi daca mai e nevoie mai repetati miscarea sus-jos pana e destul de tare maioneza. Adaugati 3 linguri de smantana, stoarceti suc de la jumatate de lamaie si adaugati cateva prafuri de piper alb. Amestecati totul bine si turnati cat vreti peste peste si cartofi.
You put the potatoes in a pot to boil with a little salt. In another pot you put the files to boil with some vegetable powder. After they have boiled, drain the potatoes and place them on a plate and season them with some more vegetable powder. Place the boiled fish next to the potatoes.
In a blending bowl (as the image shows) pour 50 ml of milk, put a teaspoon of sweet mustard and 100 or 150 ml of oil (if it's too thin at first put some more oil until the composition hardens) and a pinch of salt. Place the blender till the bottom of the bowl and turn it on the highest speed (turbo). Slowly start raising the blender up and if needed repeat the up-down motion until the mayonnaise is solid enough. Add 3 tablespoons of sour cream, squeeze some juice from half a lemon and add a few pinches of white pepper. Mix it all well and pour some over the fish and potatoes.
Sper ca v-am surprins intr-un mod placut! Urmeaza machiaje si alte treburi de domeniu in continuare :)) Pupici si astept parerile voastre!
I hope I surprised you in a pleasant way! Makeup and other domain related stuff coming next :)) Kisses and waiting for your opinion!