Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Some good news!

M-am luat si eu o pauza de la postat zilele astea avand in vedere si concursul plus mult asteptata vacanta...care a si trecut deja :)) In schimb revin in forta cu cateva vesti bune si un machiaj colorat si vesel care sa imi insoteasca vestile! :D
I took some days off from posting these days, considering the giveaway and the long due holiday...which is already over (college courses again) :)). But I'm making amends with some good news and a very colorful and cheerful makeup to accompany the news. 

1.Prima veste buna e ca cei de la Lime Crime (stiu ca multe dintre voi nu ati auzit de ei asa ca am sa las si un link catre site-ul lor) mi-au apreciat machiajele si mi-au trimis un pachet (al carui continut nu-l cunosc inca), in plus voi fi pusa la curent cu cele mai noi aparitii pe site-ul lor. :D Asa ca le multumesc mult si abea astept sa primesc pachetul! De cum il primesc am sa fac un review al produselor.
Link: Lime Crime Makeup

1. First good news comes from Lime Crime (I know that maybe some of you haven't heard of them so I'll leave a link for their site) who appreciated my makeup and sent me a care package (whose content I'm not aware of yet), plus I'll be kept up to date with the new releases. :D So thank you again and I can barely wait to get the package. As soon as I get it I'll be sure to review the products.
Link: Lime Crime Makeup

2. Cei de la makeupgeek.com m-a surprins saptamana trecuta printr-un mail de la managerul de vanzari Brittany. Se pare ca am cititori internationali pe blog :D si ma bucur mult ca munca mi-e apreciata chiar si peste hotare. Voi primi si de la magazinul lor oficial 9 culori la alegere :D Multumesc inca o data Marlena si Birttany, sunteti no.1! Urmaresc acel site de acum 3 ani de cand m-am apucat de machiat si tot ce pot sa spun este ca Marlena este un model demn de urmat. E o persoana sincera, cu o personalitate superba si are o ambitie de nedescris. Cei care totusi stiu de site-ul ei stiu despre ce vorbesc.
Link: Makeupgeek

2. Makeupgeek.com surprised me last week with an e-mail from the sales manager Brittany. It seems I have international readers on my blog too! :D And i'm glad my work is appreciated even over seas. I'll be receiving 9 eyeshadows from their official shop :D Thank you again Marlena and Brittany, you're no.1!! I've been following that site for 3 years now, ever since I've started doing makeup and all i can say is that Marlena is a great role model. She is a sincere person, with a superb personality and a sky-high ambition. Those who know about her know what I'm talking about. 
Link: Makeupgeek

Cam acestea au fost vestile bune....si urmeaza machiajul! Colorat asa cum imi place mie. O lista cu produsele o gasiti mai jos. Va pup si astept comentariile voastre! Pe maine voi posta un sunset makeup inspirat din privelistea pe care am avut-o ieri de la geamul logodnicului meu! :D

A pic of us from last summer :D

This is pretty much all the good news i have for now...and makeup next! Colorful as I like it. A list of the products used is below. Kisses and I'm waiting for your comments! I'll be posting tomorrow a sunset makeup inspired from the view I had yesterday from my fiance's window! :D

Produse folosite/Products used

Fata/Face: Maybelline Affinitone Light Sand Beige
Ochi/Eyes: Manly 120 Palette, Sleek PPQ Palette, E.l.f. Gel Liner, Yves Rocher Lash Plumping Mascara
Obraji/Cheeks:  E.l.f. Beauty Encyclopedia Face Edition
Buze/Lips: Sephora Lipstick (rosy-peach color)

Bonus: Pisica mea turbata s-a urcat pe dulap si nu mai vroia sa coboare/ My crazy cat climbed on the wardrobe and wouldn't come down :))

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