Friday, April 27, 2012

Castigatoarele April Giveaway

Momentul mult asteptat fetelor! Nu o lungesc cu vorbe prea multe, vreau doar sa va multumesc pentru participare si pentru suport si sper ca pe viitor sa reusesc sa fac tot mai multe giveawayuri cu premii si mai spectaculoase!

Without further ado...

Lista de inscrieri in ordine cronologica:

Locul 1 generat de

PUSCAS ANDREEA!!! Felicitari!! Ai castigat o sedinta foto la Cocographic studio si voucher pentru machiaj gratuit pe care il poti folosi cand vrei tu!

Locul 2:  .....................................................

LILI STURZU!!! Esti castigatoarea colierului de matase roz plus un voucher ptr machiaj gratuit!

Si Locul 3: ....................................................

MIHAELA!!  Iti poti folosi voucherul pentru machiaj cand doresti tu tot anul acesta!

Multumesc inca o data pentru participare! V-am pupat si va doresc un 1 mai frumos!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Some good news!

M-am luat si eu o pauza de la postat zilele astea avand in vedere si concursul plus mult asteptata a si trecut deja :)) In schimb revin in forta cu cateva vesti bune si un machiaj colorat si vesel care sa imi insoteasca vestile! :D
I took some days off from posting these days, considering the giveaway and the long due holiday...which is already over (college courses again) :)). But I'm making amends with some good news and a very colorful and cheerful makeup to accompany the news. 

1.Prima veste buna e ca cei de la Lime Crime (stiu ca multe dintre voi nu ati auzit de ei asa ca am sa las si un link catre site-ul lor) mi-au apreciat machiajele si mi-au trimis un pachet (al carui continut nu-l cunosc inca), in plus voi fi pusa la curent cu cele mai noi aparitii pe site-ul lor. :D Asa ca le multumesc mult si abea astept sa primesc pachetul! De cum il primesc am sa fac un review al produselor.
Link: Lime Crime Makeup

1. First good news comes from Lime Crime (I know that maybe some of you haven't heard of them so I'll leave a link for their site) who appreciated my makeup and sent me a care package (whose content I'm not aware of yet), plus I'll be kept up to date with the new releases. :D So thank you again and I can barely wait to get the package. As soon as I get it I'll be sure to review the products.
Link: Lime Crime Makeup

2. Cei de la m-a surprins saptamana trecuta printr-un mail de la managerul de vanzari Brittany. Se pare ca am cititori internationali pe blog :D si ma bucur mult ca munca mi-e apreciata chiar si peste hotare. Voi primi si de la magazinul lor oficial 9 culori la alegere :D Multumesc inca o data Marlena si Birttany, sunteti no.1! Urmaresc acel site de acum 3 ani de cand m-am apucat de machiat si tot ce pot sa spun este ca Marlena este un model demn de urmat. E o persoana sincera, cu o personalitate superba si are o ambitie de nedescris. Cei care totusi stiu de site-ul ei stiu despre ce vorbesc.
Link: Makeupgeek

2. surprised me last week with an e-mail from the sales manager Brittany. It seems I have international readers on my blog too! :D And i'm glad my work is appreciated even over seas. I'll be receiving 9 eyeshadows from their official shop :D Thank you again Marlena and Brittany, you're no.1!! I've been following that site for 3 years now, ever since I've started doing makeup and all i can say is that Marlena is a great role model. She is a sincere person, with a superb personality and a sky-high ambition. Those who know about her know what I'm talking about. 
Link: Makeupgeek

Cam acestea au fost vestile urmeaza machiajul! Colorat asa cum imi place mie. O lista cu produsele o gasiti mai jos. Va pup si astept comentariile voastre! Pe maine voi posta un sunset makeup inspirat din privelistea pe care am avut-o ieri de la geamul logodnicului meu! :D

A pic of us from last summer :D

This is pretty much all the good news i have for now...and makeup next! Colorful as I like it. A list of the products used is below. Kisses and I'm waiting for your comments! I'll be posting tomorrow a sunset makeup inspired from the view I had yesterday from my fiance's window! :D

Produse folosite/Products used

Fata/Face: Maybelline Affinitone Light Sand Beige
Ochi/Eyes: Manly 120 Palette, Sleek PPQ Palette, E.l.f. Gel Liner, Yves Rocher Lash Plumping Mascara
Obraji/Cheeks:  E.l.f. Beauty Encyclopedia Face Edition
Buze/Lips: Sephora Lipstick (rosy-peach color)

Bonus: Pisica mea turbata s-a urcat pe dulap si nu mai vroia sa coboare/ My crazy cat climbed on the wardrobe and wouldn't come down :))

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Happy Easter!!!!

Salutare fetelor! In primul rand va doresc tuturor sarbatori fericite si multa fericire. As vrea de asemenea sa va multumesc celor care urmariti blogul in mod constant si va promit mai multe articole si machiaje interesante precum si giveaway-uri la care sa puteti participa toate! Acestea fiind spuse am si cateva poze pentru voi cu un look simplu si care mi-a placut la nebunie atat pentru ca este foooaaarte simplu de facut cat si pentru faptul ca este sweet si mai potrivit de sarbatori. V-am pupat si bucurati-va in continuare de sarbatori!
P.S. Nu uitati sa va inscrieti la giveaway pana in 26 aprilie!

Hello girls! First of all I'd like to wish you all Happy Holidays and lots of happiness! I would also like to thank those who watch my blog constantly and I promise you more articles and interesting make-up to come as well as giveaways you can all participate in! These being said, I also have some pictures for you with a very simple look which I really loved first because it's soooo easy to do and secondly because it's sweet and holiday appropriate. Kisses and enjoy the rest of your holidays!

Aaand of course my curious little critter...

The outfit I wanted to wear but I ended up changing clothes because it started raining

Thursday, April 12, 2012

April Giveaway (RO Only)

Salutare fetelor! V-am tot promis un giveaway si acum iata-l! Din pacate am fost nevoita sa-l restrang la nivel de Targu-Mures, asa ca muresencelor ochii pe concurs! Premiile sunt oferite de Cocographic studioMagazinul Glamse si din partea mea :D

Ce puteti castiga?

Premiul 1 consta intr-o sedinta foto profesionala oferita de catre Adi Coco (pe care cred ca majoritatea dintre voi il cunoasteti deja) si un voucher pentru un machiaj gratuit pe care il puteti folosi pana la sfarsitul anului.

Premiul 2 : Consta intr-un colier din matase roz handmade (nu handjob :)) ) oferit de catre magazinul online si un voucher pentru un machiaj gratuit  pe care il puteti folosi pana la sfarsitul anului.

Premiul 3 Un voucher pentru un machiaj gratuit ( pe care il puteti folosi pana la sfarsitul anului.)

Reguli de participare

1. Pentru a putea participa la acest giveaway trebuie sa fiti followeri al acestui blog. Cum faceti asta? Simplu! In sectiunea dreapta a blogului veti gasi "Persoane Interesate" si deasupra optiunea "Inscrieti-va pe acest blog". Dati click si inscrieti-va.
2. Like pe paginile oficiale de facebook Adi Coco , si Alexandra M Make-up
3. Sa lasati un comment cu adresa voastra de e-mail si numele cu care ma urmariti pe blog.

Perioada de inscriere: 12.04.2012 - 26.04.2012

Castigatoarele vor fi alese prin pe data de 27.04.2012!!

Mult succes fetelor!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Lucky Sunrise

Salutare fetelor! Va postez astazi look-ul pe care l-am avut ieri la Puzzle Night (ne-am facut cu gasca un obicei sa participam in fiecare marti la concurs), un look care mi-a adus noroc se pare pentru ca am terminat pe locul 1! :D E un machiaj colorat si vesel (asa cum imi plac mie). Ca si grad de complicatie, e undeva la mediu zic eu. Necesita mult blending si multa atentie. Ma rog, in poze nu se vad trecerile asa ca in realitate dar va asigur ca daca investiti timp in el iese superb! Mi-a placut foarte mult cum a iesit. Sper sa va placa si voua si va pun si un ghid foto ca sa puteti incerca si voi acest look. V-am pupat si astept comentariile voastre!

Hello girls! I'm posting yesterday's look that I wore at Puzzle Night (my friends and I have made a habit out of going every Tuesday at the contest), a look which was lucky for me as we finished on first place! :D It's a colorful and happy makeup (as i like it). As for complication, it's somewhere to medium I can say. It does take a lot of blending and attention. Well, in the photos you can't really see the gradient effect like in real life but I assure you that if you invest time in it it's worth it! I was really stoked about how it came up. I hope you like it too and I'm also posting a photo guide so that you can also try it. Kisses and I'm waiting for your comments!


Fata/ Face: Yves Rocher Anti-Fatigue Hydrating Cream, Maybelline Affinitone Foundation
Sprancene/ Eyebrows: Sleek Au Naturel
Ochi/ Eyes: Too Faced Shadow Insurance, NYX Jumbo Eyeshadow pencil (Milk), Manly 120 Palettte, E.l.f. Beauty Encyclopedia Basic Eye, Flormar Palette, Sleek Acid, E.l.f. Gel Liner, Yves Rocher Pumping Lash Mascara.
Obraji/ Cheeks: Giordani Gold Bronzing Pearls.
Buze/Lips: Nivea Lip Balm

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

How to contour your eyebrows

V-am tot promis un tutorial pentru sprancene asa ca iata-l, fara alte introduceri:

I did promise you a video tutorial for eyebrows so here it is, without further ado:

Produse folosite:
Fata/Face: Maybelline Affinitone
Sprancene/Eyebrows: Sleek Au Naturel + small angled brush pentru precizie/for precision, E.l.f. concealer pallete + E.l.f. concealer brush

Thursday, April 5, 2012

New video tutorial coming up!

Si daa...fac o a 2-a incercare la tutorial video. De data asta nu voi face un machiaj ci va voi arata cum sa va conturati sprancenele si cum sa le reparati :D Asa ca ochii pe blog! Am sa incerc sa postez fie maine, fie sambata video-ul. Pupici si weekend placut!

Aaand yess...I'm having a second attempt to a video tutorial. This time I won't be doing any makeup but I'm going to show you how to contour your eyebrows and how to fix them :D So eyes on the blog! I'll try to upload the video tomorrow or Saturday. Kisses and have a great weekend!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

LOTD: Feeling like it's 60's

Astazi voi pune doar o postare scurta cu machiajul meu de astazi. Vroiam ceva in stil 60's, simplu si dragut. :D Sper sa va placa si astept comentariile voastre..

Today I'm only going to have a short post of the makeup I had today. I wanted something like 60's, simple and cute. :D I hope you like it and I'm waiting for your comments.

Aaaand fooling around with the pearl necklace :))

Monday, April 2, 2012

Neutral Crease Look

Buna seara fetelor! Sper ca ati avut un weekend placut si ca v-ati distrat destul sa va ajunga pe toata saptamana :D Va postez azi un look mai neutru, cuminte, bineinteles in stil cut-crease, inspirat de Kristiana Z. Incerc sa o las putin mai moale cand sunt la facultate cu look-urile foarte colorate si sa trec pe ceva mai simplu si neutru, totusi de efect si ingirjit.  Va pun si ghid foto cu ordinea culorilor, plus explicatii si pensule cu care sa faceti acest machiaj. Sper sa va placa si astept comentariile voastre!

Good evening girls! I hope you had a nice weekend and that you had enough fun to last you throughout the week :D I'm posting today a more neutral and soft look, cut-crease style of course, inspired by Kristiana Z. I'm trying to lay off a bit when I go to courses with the mega colorful looks and try something more simple and neutral, yet effective and neat. I'm also posting a photo guide with the order of the colors, plus explanations and brushes you can use to get this look. I hope you like it and I'm waiting for your comments!

Produse folosite/ Products used

Fata/Face: Maybelline Affinitone Light Sand Beige, E.l.f. concealer palette, E.l.f. HD Powder
Obraji/Cheeks: Giordani Gold Bronzing Pearls
Ochi/Eyes:  Too Faced Shadow Insurance, Flormar 5 eyeshadow palette, Sleek Au Naturel, Sleek PPQ, E.l.f. Eyeshadow (Ethereal), E.l.f. Gel Liner, Yves Rocher Lash Pumping Mascara.
Buze/Lips: Yves Rocher Lip Balm (Vanilla)

1. Pregatiti-va pleoapa cu primer (in cazul meu TFSI)/ Prime your lid (my case TFSI)

2. Aplicati culoarea nr.1 incepand din coltul exterior al pleoape catre interior pana la mijloc (incercati sa ramaneti sub pliu)/ Apply color no.1 starting from the outer corner of your lid until the middle (try to stay under the crease).
3. Aplicati culoarea nr.2 incepand din coltul interior al pleoapei pana la mijloc, suprapunand-o peste cea aplicata anterior/ Apply color no.2 starting from the inner corner of your lid to the middle, overlaying it over the one you applied previously.
4. Trasati cu o pensula subtire o linie care sa urmareasca forma pliului incepand din partea exterioara spre partea inerioara. Incercati sa construiti culoarea treptat, si nu sa aplicati de-odata prea mult negru. (Culoarea nr.3) / Trace with a thin brush a line that follows your crease shape starting from the outer part of your eye towards the inner part. Build the color step by step, don't apply the black color at once. (Color no.3)
5. Cu o pensula nu foarte mare treceti usor peste culoarea 3 pentru a crea o trecere intre culoare si pleoapa pana obtineti un efect degrade. / With a rather small brush go over color no.3 to create a blending between the color and the lid until you get a gradient efect.
6. Aplicati peste culoarea anterioara culoarea nr.4, treptat, "blenduind" culorile intre ele in asa fel incat sa treceti gradat de la negru la maron si treceti mai sus de culoarea neagra./ Apply over the previous color, the color no.4, blending the colors so that you go gradually from black up to marron. Take the color over the black crease color.
7. Pentru a face trecerea intre culoarea nr.4 si restul pleoapei aplicati peste un amestec intre culorile 5 si 6 pana obtineti efectul gradat./ To make the transition between color no.4 and the rest of the lid apply over a mix between colors no. 5 and 6 until you get a gradient-like effect.
8. Aplicati highlight-ul (culoarea nr.7) sub spranceana./ Apply the highlight (Color no.7) under the brow bone.
9. Aplicati culoarea nr. 4 pe pleoapa inferioara intr-un strat subtire./ Apply color no. 4 on the lower lash line in a thin layer.
10. Trasati cu ajutorul unei pensule subtiri un contur cat-eye pe pleoapa superioara. Incercati sa mentineti linia cat mai aproape de linia genelor./ With a thin brush trace a cat-eye contour on the upper lid. Try to keep the line as close as possible to the lash line.
11. Aplicati rimel si sunteti gata! / Coat your lashes with mascara and you're ready!

Ptr. pasul/ Step:  5, 9                           Ptr. pasul/ Steps: 1, 2,3,6,7,8             Ptr. pasul/ Step: 4